Datalayer on CLI
Datalayer provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) that supports the platform features.
Check you have python>=3.9
and pip
and install Datalayer with the following command in your terminal.
# Use --upgrade if you want to update an existing installation to the latest version.
pip install datalayer
Environment setup with conda
If you are using conda, you can create a new environment and install the required packages as follows. Note that conda
and miniconda
are interchangeable.
miniconda create -y -n $ENV_NAME
miniconda activate $ENV_NAME
miniconda install -c conda-forge -y python=3.11 pip
pip install datalayer
Once installed you can invoke the datalayer
Datalayer - Version 1.0.0 - Connected as None on
[DatalayerCLI] One of `about` `benchmarks` `envs` `runtimes` `login` `logout` `web` `who` `whoami` must be specified.
Ask details adding --help
to any of the commands.
datalayer --help
The Datalayer CLI application.
Subcommands are launched as `datalayer_core cmd [args]`. For information on
using subcommand 'cmd', do: `datalayer_core cmd -h`.
You can use dla
or even d
as shortcut, instead of datalayer
if you prefer.
The about
command is available to explain you the features
datalayer about
Datalayer - Version 1.0.0 - Connected as None on
Datalayer provides a command line tool allowing to list,
create, terminate and open a console against with Runtimes.
All command lines support an option --run-url
to set the URL of the Datalayer RUN cluster providing the Datalayer services.
datalayer runtimes list --run-url
Alternatively, you can set environment variables to avoid adding parameters to every command.
datalayer whoami
datalayer envs list
datalayer runtimes list
We also made it easy for you to get the values via a User Interface (on SaaS, JupyterLab...). Go to the action menu of the Kernel list and select the Copy terminal command line
action. This will copy in your clipboard the command to run from CLI with the needed environment variables.

- Login
- Logout
- Profile
Before login, you should have a valid account created during the Join process from the SaaS.
Using the Web Browser
To login, you can use the following command.
datalayer login
This command will open a new tab in your web browser to authenticate you.

Once authenticated, you can close your browser.
If your cached credentials are obsolete, you will be prompted to log in when you run any of the command lines.
Using the CLI
If you prefer not to use your web browser, you can add the --no-browser
option to any command. When using the --no-browser
option, you will be prompted to either:
- Provide a Username and Password.
- Provide a Token.
datalayer login --no-browser --run-url=...
? How do you want to log in? (Use arrow keys)
» Username/Password
Ask help to get all the login options.
datalayer login --help
An application to log into a Runtime provider.
datalayer login
The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
<cmd> --help-all
set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output)
Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level=10]
Using a Token
If you have a Token
, you can use it to authenticate. The Token can be a Datalayer Token
or an External Token
in case of integration with an External IAM Provider
Just use the --token
option to provide the Token directly in any command.
datalayer envs list --token TOKEN --run-url RUN_URL
You can logout at any time.
datalayer logout
Once logged in, you can view the details of your profile.
datalayer whoami
┃ ID ┃ H… ┃ First… ┃ Last … ┃
│ 01J2E2WQ28HS4DM0AXVEY… │ e… │ Eric │ Charl… │
Refer to the Environments feature documentation for more information.
You can list the available environments using the following CLI command:
datalayer envs list
┃ ID ┃ Cost p… ┃ Name ┃ Description ┃ ┃ Resources ┃
│ python-s… │ 0.01 │ Python Simple En… │ A Python environment for simp… │ │ {"cpu": "250m", "memory… │
└───────────┴─── ──────┴───────────────────┴────────────────────────────────┴──┴──────────────────────────┘
Refer to the Runtimes feature documentation for more information.
- Launch
- List
- Execute
- Terminate
Refer to the Launch a Runtime feature documentation for more information on the different options available.
Use datalayer runtimes create ENV_ID --given-name GIVEN_NAME --credits-limit CREDITS_LIMIT
datalayer runtimes create python-simple-env --given-name k1 --credits-limit 3
Jupyter Runtimes
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┃ Runtime ID ┃ Runtime Name┃ Environment ┃ Expired At ┃
│ jupyter-01j2m0zt2kaheyy3yzn021g032 │ k1 │ python-simple-env │ 2024-08-10T17:29:19.355000+02:… │
Use datalayer runtimes list
to list all the running Runtimes.
datalayer runtimes list
Jupyter Runtimes
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┃ Runtime ID ┃ Runtime Name┃ Environment ┃ Expired At ┃
│ jupyter-01j2m0zt2kaheyy3yzn021g032 │ k1 │ python-simple-env │ 2024-08-10T17:29:19.355000+02:… │
│ jupyter-01j2m1kc0zgq3kjcne4p5avhd8 │ k2 │ python-simple-env │ 2024-07-27T06:52:44.704000+02:… │
Execute a Notebook
Use datalayer runtimes exec NOTEBOOK_PATH
with the following command options:
- Runtime ID of the Runtime to use.--raise
- Stop the execution one an exception occurred. By default, all cells of the notebook will be executed even if one cell fails.--timeout seconds
- Display all cell outputs. By default, only cell outputs targeting the error stream will be displayed.
datalayer runtimes exec hello.ipynb --runtime jupyter-01j2krcmskpye0sn0nv9a7afhp
Execute a File
Use datalayer runtimes exec FILE_PATH
with the following command options:
- Runtime ID of the Runtime to use.--raise
- Stop the execution one an exception occurred. By default, all cells of the notebook will be executed even if one cell fails.--timeout seconds
- Display all cell outputs. By default, only cell outputs targeting the error stream will be displayed.
cat > <<EOF
print('👋 Hello from Runtime')
datalayer runtimes exec --runtime jupyter-01j2krcmskpye0sn0nv9a7afhp
Execute Code in a Console
Use datalayer runtimes console --runtime RUNTIME_ID
datalayer runtimes console --runtime jupyter-01j2krcmskpye0sn0nv9a7afhp
[KernelConsoleApp] Datalayer - Version 1.1.9 - Connected as eric on
[KernelConsoleApp] KernelManager using existing kernel server jupyter-01j2krbpy5nh72xcgc8r7jwjh7 expiring at 2024-08-10T17:16:58.139000+02:00
JupyterKernels console 1.1.9
Python 3.11.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Apr 19 2024, 18:36:13) [GCC 12.3.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.22.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: print('👋 Hello from Runtime')
👋 Hello from Runtime
In [2]:
The Runtime ID is optional. If not provided, it will take the first Runtime found.
To keep the Runtime alive when you exit the console, use CTRL-D
or quit(keep_kernel=True)
Refer to the Terminate a Runtime feature documentation for more information.
Use datalayer runtimes terminate RUNTIME_ID
datalayer runtimes terminate jupyter-01j2ks4xzbr0vwe8zfzcv5ksm2
[RuntimesTerminateApp] Jupyter Kernels - Version 1.1.9 - Connected as eric on
[RuntimesTerminateApp] Runtime 'jupyter-01j2ks4xzbr0vwe8zfzcv5ksm2' deleted.